How does Sparky Search work?
Sparky Search is an online platform that aims to help people find local, professional electricians for home improvement and repair projects. On the website a user simply needs to fill out the form by choosing which service they are looking for and providing additional information to help our team better understand the project. At the end of the form users will provide their contact details. Once the form is submitted the Sparky Search team will select an appropriate, local electrician from our large database, they may select multiple professionals for the job. Once the electricians agree to the proposed project Sparky Search will provide them the contact details of the inquirer so that they can get in contact. After the electrician reaches out to the user they can negotiate the project amongst each other.
How much does finding an electrician on Sparky Search cost?
Filling out the Sparky Search form and finding a local electrician for a project is completely FREE. Our aim is to help users quickly find professionals for home improvement projects and we do not charge anything for this service.
How quickly will I be contacted by a professional after I submit the form?
After a user submits the Sparky Search form a request will automatically be submitted to our team and our search for an appropriate electrician will begin. You should expect around 1-3 business days before you are contacted by an electrician.
How does Sparky Search find electricians?
After a user submits the Sparky Search form a request will automatically be submitted to our team who will search for appropriate electricians in the area. Our team will use a large database of Australian professionals to find the right electrician/s for your project.
How much do these electricians cost?
The cost of the professionals we find depends on a variety of factors. The cost of different services will range at different prices. You can view our cost estimates articles for some idea of the costs associated with different services. Additionally, the cost of these electricians will also depend on the professional and the negotiation/terms you establish with them. This process is completely separate from the Sparky Search service.